
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
  1. alias get = getBoolean
  2. alias get = getNumber!T
  3. alias get = getNumber!float
  4. T get()
  5. alias get = getString
  6. alias get = getArray!U
  7. alias get = getArray!T
  8. alias get = getAssoc!U
  9. T get()
    template get(T)
    static if(!(is(T : bool) || (is(T == enum) && T == Type.boolean)))
    static if(!(isNumeric!T))
    static if(!(is(T == enum) && T == Type.number))
    static if(!(isSomeString!T))
    static if(!(is(T == enum) && T == Type.string))
    static if(!(is(T == U[], U)))
    static if(!(is(T == U[N], U, size_t N)))
    static if(!(is(T == U[wstring], U)))
    static if(is(T == U[Y], U, Y) && isSomeString!Y)
  10. alias get = getStruct!T
